Everything you need to know
Travis Family,
All carpool students should enter through the main entrance on Allen at the parking lot.
4th and 5th grade students will still dismiss through the separate Stairwell Door into the grassy area. All other students will dismiss through the main entrance.
Another item of note: a staff member will be on-duty outside the main entrance/patio from 7:45 am until doors open at 8:00 am. While students still don't enter the building until 8:00 am, we decided to have a staff presence at 7:45 am to help keep everyone safe. Please try to avoid dropping off earlier than 7:45 am as there will be NO supervision.
We look forward to another successful Travis school year! As always, reach-out to myself or an administrator with any safety/carpool questions.
Mike McShane
The main entrance to the school is now located off the Allen Street parking lot. THIS IS REFERRED TO AS THE "MAIN ENTRANCE"
- That entrance is secured, has a double-door vestibule, and will be monitored with a video ringer and a staff member in the adjacent security office.
- All students will enter school in the mornings through the Main Entrance.
- Middle school students will use the Main Entrance at dismissal time.
- All visitors and students arriving after normal arrival/dismissal times will enter through those doors.
A secondary exit for 4th and 5th grade students during dismissal times is located on Allen Street, next to the crosswalk at Allen and Laclede.
<< This is referred to as the STAIRWELL EXIT
- The double doors from the south stairwell open onto a large, covered sidewalk.
- Students in 4th and 5th grades will use this only as an exit at dismissal.
NOTE: The entrances on McKinney Ave. are no longer in use! Those are now strictly emergency exits and will not be monitored or opened for students or visitors. Do NOT drop-off students on McKinney Avenue.
Drop-off and Pick-up
The carpool line will extend along the left side of Allen Street from the old triangle gates (not open) down the curve to the point that Allen splits from Carlisle Street.
The carpool line starts at the Left Turn Only past the Laclede intersection
Students exiting/entering vehicles should do it on the left side of the car. If they need to exit on the street side, for their own safety, have them go in front of your own vehicles to reach the sidewalk.
All carpool vehicles should enter the line from Carlisle Street ONLY. There are multiple lanes and no lights/stop signs on that stretch of Allen, so the line should be able to move smoothly without interruption. (Knock on wood!)
Carpool vehicles should NOT attempt to enter the line from Cole Street. Cole is narrow and has the trolley tracks, so congestion there is problematic. Do NOT block the trolley tracks!
Sneed Street is for BUSSES ONLY. No carpool student should be dropped or picked-up on that side of Travis. All bus riders will enter/exit the building through the Sneed Street doors (north end of the old building, by the cafeteria). Those doors will only be open during arrival/dismissal.
Carpool vehicles will be able to enter the parking lot circle drive if needed for loading/unloading large objects, musical instruments, etc. Or if a parent needs to park at the visitor’s spots and exit the vehicle.
Carpool vehicles should NOT park in the carpool lane or stop with flashers on. The line should keep moving until reaching the Triangle. Since all students will be exiting from the same area, there is no need to stop in a certain zone as in previous years. 4th and5th grade will gather at the Stairwell exit patio/grass area near the head of the line.
- Carpool vehicles will need to keep the parking lot entrances clear so staff may safely enter/exit.
- Carpool vehicles may also choose to park on side streets like Laclede and meet their students at the crosswalk, which is controlled by a crossing guard.
- Students who walk off-campus at dismissal or arrive as walkers in the morning will cross at the crosswalk/crossing guard and enter one of the Allen Street entrances.
- Rainy-day dismissal procedure will be announced separately. Now that there are several covered areas at the Allen Street doors the procedure should be more streamlined.
Let’s have a safe year!

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Please always be courteous to fellow drivers, patient with carpool, and abide by the following guidelines:
* NEVER block teacher parking lot
* Don’t join carpool from Cole St. Pull all the way up on Allen
* If students are walking to Starbucks and/or to your car, they have to cross the street at the crosswalk with the crossing guard
* NEVER block any intersection
* NEVER block the trolley turning from Cole onto Allen
* NEVER block crosswalks or parking lot entrances and exits
* NEVER leave your vehicle unattended
* NEVER "double up" the car line
If you prefer to park when dropping off or picking up your student, parking is available across Allen Street and in the surrounding neighborhood.
Upcoming Events
- Monday, March 24
- Tuesday, March 25
- Wednesday, March 26
- Thursday, March 27
- Friday, March 28
- Friday, April 4