Want to get in touch with someone at Travis TAG?
Please see below for emails to our Travis TAG staff and teachers for the 2024-2025 school year.
- Principal: Alessandra Mercon; Amercon@dallasisd.org
- Assistant Principal: Twinda Williams; twwilliams@dallasisd.org
- Counselor: Nate Smith; nathsmith@dallasisd.org
- Office Manager: Zoraida Villalpando; zvillalpando@dallasisd.org
- Financial Clerk: Yulisa Casstaneda; ycastaneda@dallasisd.org
- Registrar: Geraldine Martinez germartinez@dallasisd.org
- Data Controller: Yolanda Rojas; yorojas@dallasisd.org
- Nurse: Abby Mertz; amertz@dallasisd.org
- Teacher Assistant: Tatiana Laury; tlaury@dallasisd.org
- Librarian / Media Specialist: Adriana Marroquin; admarroquin@dallasisd.org
- Cafeteria Manager: Rhonda Thompson; rhthompson@dallasisd.org
- Special Education: Christopher Owen; cowen@dallasisd.org
- Campus Monitor: Angela Moss; angemoss@dallasisd.org
4th Grade:
4A: Social Studies: Sarah Spellman; sspellman@dallasisd.org
4B: Math: Geovanni Delgado; geovdelgado@dallasisd.org (grade level chair)
4C: Reading Language Arts: Cindy Benitez; cbenitezgonzalez@dallasisd.org
4D: Science: Edward Hambleton; ehambleton@dallasisd.org
5th Grade:
5A: Math: Jerry Hayes; jehayes@dallasisd.org
5B: Reading Language Arts: April Castillo; apcastillo@dallasisd.org
- 5C: Social Studies: Greg Oathout; goathout@dallasisd.org (grade level chair)
5D: Science: Denisse Escobedo; descobedosaenz@dallasisd.org
6th Grade:
- Reading Language Arts 6 Honors: Sharon Mayes; smayes@dallasisd.org
- Science 6 Honors: Alison Evans; alievans@dallasisd.org (grade level chair)
- World Cultures 6 Honors: Cori Jenkins; cojenkins@dallasisd.org
- Math 6 Honors: Jimmy Huynh; hhuynh@dallasisd.org
7th Grade
- Science 7 Honors: Mason Kelley; maskelley@dallasisd.org (grade level chair)
- Texas Studies 7 Honors: Brad Mayfield; brmayfield@dallasisd.org
- Math 7 Honors: John Soto; johsoto@dallasisd.org
- RLA 7 Honors: Teelyn Sullivan; tsullivan@dallasisd.org
8th Grade:
- RLA 8 Honors: Keely Jackson; keeross@dallasisd.org (grade level chair)
- Astronomy and Physics Honors: Tesa Golden; tgolden@dallasisd.org
- U.S. History 8 Honors: Michael McShane; mmcshane@dallasisd.org
- Algebra I Honors: Steven Murray; smurray@dallasisd.org
- Art (4th-8th): Lindsay Dear; lindyoung@dallasisd.org
- Spanish and French: Marzena Barcinska; mbarcinska@dallasisd.org
- Spanish: Ashley Villegas; asvillegas@dallasisd.org
- Computer Applications: Stacy Wester; swester@dallasisd.org
- Drama/Theatre: Andrea Soto; ansoto@dallasisd.org
- Band Director: Donald Kitchens; dkitchens@dallasisd.org (electives chair)
- Assistant Band Director/Music (5th): Sydney Hathcock; shathcock@dallasisd.org
- Orchestra/Music (4th): Jose Mendez; josemendez@dallasisd.org
- PE (4th-6th): Michael Aguilar; miaguilar@dallasisd.org
- PE (6th-8th): Thomas Boyd; tboyd@dallasisd.org
Upcoming Events
- Tuesday, September 10
- Friday, October 4
- Monday, October 14
- Friday, October 18
- Friday, November 1
- Tuesday, November 5
- Friday, November 8