Register on
DISD uses a volunteer management system called VOLY. If you plan to volunteer in any capacity at the school, please register and view the orientation video.
You will also use the VOLY system to record your volunteer hours. Go to and click on the 'my account' link in the upper right. Choose the volunteers button. Sign in or create an account. Choose the 'my hours' link in the top navigation and the green 'log hours' button on the resulting page.
If you have any questions or suggestions about volunteer opportunities, please email And thank you!
Want to volunteer on a PTA committee?
Read the descriptions below to see which suits your interests! Each member of the Travis TAG PTA Executive Board is in charge of various committees. There are many opportunities for parents and community members to get involved! Your help is needed!
Executive Board Members: Attend all PTA Board meetings as a voting member of the Executive Board
President: Presides over all board and general meetings. Serves as member of all committees except Nominating and Reconciliation. Represents Travis in community. Refer to bylaws for a complete description of responsibilities.
2024-2025 President: Jill Meyer
1st Vice President: Acts as aide to president. May be called upon at any time to temporarily assume the role of president. Directs the committee chairs listed below. This person should consider becoming president the following year.
2024-2025 1st VP: Alison Evans
1st VP Committees:
- SBDM Liaison: Represents the PTA at the SBDM meetings, communicates areas of overlap, identifies when PTA can help with SBDM agenda items
- Yearbook Team (3 people): Works on yearbook, coordinates with students and faculty
- Beautification/Grounds: Plants seasonal flowers. Helps maintain grounds as needed to keep Travis beautiful
- Grade Level Liaisons (6 people - Grades 4-8 and specials): These faculty positions enable two-way communication between the staff and the board so all are informed about the activities and special needs of both organizations.
2nd VP Membership: Recruits new members year round, collects dues and maintains membership records. Reports membership numbers to Texas PTA in a timely manner. Collects nominations and plans the presentation of the PTA lifetime member awards typically during April or May general meeting. Directs the committee chairs listed below.
2024-2025 2nd VP Membership: Mary Yoost
2nd VP Membership Committees:
- Assistant VP Membership (1): Assists Membership VP with bookkeeping, tracking membership rolls, and assists directory committee. This person should consider becoming VP Membership in a future year.
- Directory (2): Compiles and inputs student information in online and/or paper directory, as selected by board
- School Tour Guide (2) Host school tours for prospective families (November-January). Helps the staff plan and host Travis Excellence Awards in November. Plans the new student social for incoming students and their families in May.
3rd VP Programs: Arranges general PTA meetings through office and district along with welcoming members to meetings. Enhances Travis community by providing hospitality through greeters, name tags, registration sheets and refreshments. Directs committee chairs listed below.
2024-2025 3rd VP Programs: Monica Grant
3rd VP Programs Committees:
- PTA Meetings (2): This committee is responsible for planning monthly PTA meetings. Tasks include welcoming parents, providing sign-in sheets to record attendance, and other hospitality needs requested by the Board.
- School Picnic (4): This committee is composed of a chair and additional members as determined by the chair. It is responsible for planning, promoting and hosting an annual Fall picnic for all Travis families. Tasks include picking a date, reserving location, handling catering and recruiting volunteers.
- High School Night: (3) This committee is composed of a chair and additional members as determined by the chair. It is responsible for planning, promoting and hosting an annual Fall event that brings DISD high schools to Travis so our students and parents can learn about high school options.
- Parent/Staff Education (2): This committee is responsible for organizing two workshops (one in Fall and one in Spring). These should be training sessions that are led by outside speakers, in coordination with counselors to empower parents with knowledge.
- First Friday Coffees (2): This committee is responsible for providing refreshments and coordinating with counselors to identify topics for discussion.
4th VP Ways & Means: In charge of creating successful ways to finance the work of the PTA. Directs committee chairs listed below.
2024-2025 4th VP Ways & Means: Lauren Sacha
4th VP Ways & Means Committees:
- Part of the Pack (4): Composed of a chair and additional members as determined by the chair. Plans, promotes and executes the Treasure Travis primary annual fundraising campaign. Maintains donation records and provides tax forms to donors. Planning starts in May and the event is held in September.
- Fall Festival Team (8+): Composed of a chair and vice chair and additional members as determined by the chair. Plans, promotes and host our school-wide Fall Festival. Creates publicity for the event. Oversees food, entertainment, merchandise sales, and coordinates grade level games booths and activities. Event is a Friday night in October before Halloween.
- School Supplies (2 people): Solicits orders from parents in April & May for school supplies for following school year. Manages orders and distribution of school supplies to classrooms in August. Works with staff to get the supply list ready in Jan/Feb for the next school year and the incoming team.
- Incentives (1): Plans and implement box top collection program and AmazonSmile, and identifies additional sources of income through retail loyalty programs and other initiatives that benefit schools and nonprofits.
- Spirit Wear Team (3+): Composed of a chair and additional members as determined by the chair. Determines what Spirit Wear, gear, accessories and other school-related products to offer. Orders and manages inventory and sells products at PTA sponsored events throughout the year.
- Winter/Spring Social(s)(2+): Organizes parent-staff social events
- Grants: Researches and applies for grants
5th VP Communications: In charge of communicating the activities of the PTA to its members. Works closely with VP of Programs and VP of Ways & Means to help guide and provide PR for their events. Directs the committee chairs listed below.
2024-2025 5th VP Communications: Abby Low
5th VP Communications Committees:
- Website: Maintains PTA website. Works closely with social media and Wolftracks to ensure information is distributed across all mediums. Works with Ways & Means, Student Activities and Staff Appreciation to make event information and sign-ups available online.
- Public Relations/Community Relations: Solicits and promotes student and staff accomplishments to the school community, DISD and the neighborhood.
- Facebook (4-6): Volunteers to monitor grade-level pages, Travis Wolfpack page and Travis PTA page; sends out Travis news, schedules and alerts, and other information relevant to the Travis community
- Wolftracks (2 people): Solicits content, creates and distributes the school e-newsletter
- First Day Info Packet: Works with President to compile and create first day informational packets
6th VP Student Activities: In charge of creating successful student activities sponsored by the PTA. Directs the committee chairs listed below.
2024-2025 6th VP Student Activities: Ryann McKinney
6th VP Student Activities Committees:
- Student Involvement Team (4 people): Promotes student involvement in PTA sponsored events such as the Arts in Education/Reflections competition, Destination Imagination, Service Project, White Rock Games and any new events selected by team. Plans and implements the school-wide community service project in Spring.
- Fab Fridays Team (2-4 people per grades 4th, 5th & 6th): Coordinates with staff. Plans speakers and activities for Fab Fridays, which are attended by 4th, 5th & 6th grades. Fab Fridays occur 4-5 times a year.
- Grade Level Activity Reps (3 per grade): Promote parent involvement in PTA sponsored events throughout the year. Work with teachers to plan and host grade level activities on campus. Provide parent volunteers to meet teacher requests. Create a sense of community among families. Notify parents of teacher birthdays and holiday wishes. Grade level parents will create sub-teams as needed for events such as Fall Festival, 7th & 8th Grade Dance, Field Days, Grade Level Events.
- After-School Program Liaison: Works with principal and staff after-school lead to assist their efforts.
7th VP Staff Appreciation: In charge of creating successful staff appreciation events. Directs the committee chairs listed below.
2024-2025 7th VP Staff Appreciation: Audra Steindorf
7th VP Staff Appreciation Committees:
- Secret Pal Coordinator: Collects information on each teacher at the beginning of the year and then assigns a member to secretly give monthly appreciation to their Secret Pal. Coordinates a reveal event at the end of the year.
- Welcome Back to School Breakfast: Plan and host the Back to School Breakfast for teachers and staff the week before school starts.
- Parent Teacher Conferences: Provides the after school take-and-go meal for teachers the day of Parent Teacher Conferences Fall & Spring.
- New Year's Breakfast: Plan and host a breakfast for teachers and staff on the day they return from Winter break.
- Teacher Appreciation Week: Hosts and plans fun activities for parents and students to do in order to show their appreciation for their teachers each day of the first week in May.
8th VP Family Engagement: In charge of planning, promoting and hosting the volunteer orientation, Travis Family Picnic, New Student Family Social, and the Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast at the end of the year. Maintains volunteer hours records. Works with the committee chairs and grade-level reps to secure volunteers as needed for PTA sponsored events.
2024-2025 8th VP Family Engagement: Ana Whitcomb
- School Tours (2 people): Organize and give school tours to prospective and incoming Travis TAG families.
- Orientation & Recruitment Activities: Organizes and plans Cub Camp for incoming 4th graders the week before school starts.
- Travis Family Picnic (3 people): Chair, Vice Chair, and Committee to plan and organize the food, games, and activities for the annual Travis Family Picnic held in the William B. Travis staff parking lot.
- Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast (2 people): Plan and host breakfast thanking all of the volunteers help and service from the school year.
- New Student Family Social (NSFS): An event in May for all of the families of the new students accepted into Travis TAG.
Recording Secretary: Attends and takes minutes at all PTA Board and PTA General Meetings. Types, copies and distributes minutes at meetings. The secretary keeps accurate records of PTA proceedings and compiles the annual summary of the PTA's accomplishments for the May meeting.
2024-2025 Secretary: Jen Kachel
Treasurer: Accounting/bookkeeping experience preferred but not required. Handles and reports on the organization's funds. Writes checks, balances accounts, keeps ledgers for all committees using organization’s accounting software, and coordinates disbursements with the president. Creates budget in conjunction with Officers and committee Chairs. Prepares the books for the tax accountant to prepare the tax return. Submits books to Reconciliation Committee. Directs the Budget Committee and Teacher Wish List Committee.
2024-2025 Treasurer: Tian Wang
- Assistant Treasurer (1): Assists Treasurer with bookkeeping and managing/balancing accounts. Serves on the Budget Committee. This person should consider becoming Treasurer in a future year.
- Wish List Committee: This committee shall be composed of a chair, a vice chair, and additional members as determined by the chair. Responsibilities include explaining the Wish List process to faculty and staff, providing instructions and request forms to faculty and staff, evaluating requests, notifying faculty and staff whether requests have been granted, advising faculty and staff on how to obtain reimbursement from PTA or how to obtain a check to the vendor from PTA, as applicable.
Parliamentarian (Appointed): Provides assistance to board members as needed. Ensures use of parliamentary procedure during meetings. Updates bylaws and standing rules when necessary.
2024-2025 Parliamentarian: Sharon Mayes
Questions or suggestions?
If you have any questions or suggestions about volunteer opportunities, please email And thank you!
Upcoming Events
- Thursday, February 13
- Monday, February 17
- Friday, March 7
- Monday, March 10
- Tuesday, March 11
- Wednesday, March 12
- Thursday, March 13