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Welcome to the Travis TAG PTA website!
This website is to help parents, teachers and families stay connected with our PTA and school community. Most of this website may be viewed without registering. **However, you must register in order to access the full functionality of the website and receive WOLFTRACKS, our weekly newsletter (which is sent on Tuesday afternoons). Registration is free!
If you have a Membership Toolkit account with another school, you can use the same log-in here.
Need more information?
6:00 to 9:00 pm
Become a sponsor!
Early Dismissal Policy strictly enforced
Parents and caregivers who need to pick up students early for appointments must do so by 3:15 PM . Students who are not picked before 3:15 pm will be dismissed with their classmates at the regular time.
School Entrance:
2910 Allen Street, Dallas TX 75204
Click here
(includes lunch schedules)
Please note: We're sorry, but visitors (even beloved grandparents) aren't permitted to eat lunch in the Travis cafeteria with students due to security reasons. Thank you for understanding.
Click here for the 2024-2025 handbook
Click here for 2024-2025 routes
Click here for 2024-2035 menus
Wolftracks is the one-stop-shop for all your Travis news.
If you're NOT receiving Wolftracks, please contact the VP of Communications -- we'll get you in the know!
Click here for DISD's calendars -- including 2024-2025
Please remind your student(s) to check the lost and found near the auditorium regularly - it's chock full of good stuff you've been missing!
We want to keep track of our amazing Timberwolves!
Please email alumni achievements, big moves or events to
We'll share alumni stories in Wolftracks and on our social media channels.
Upcoming Events
- Friday, April 4
- Tuesday, April 8
- Thursday, April 10
- Friday, April 18
- Monday, April 21
- Friday, May 2
- Tuesday, May 13